Stuck at home still sick

So, I went back to the doctor who initially said I was better.The initial tests came back for a uti as negative. But they would still send out for cultures. I was feeling great about that, although I still had discomfort. I put it off as all in my head for the time being. Two days later or not even, the bladder infection was back full force. I looked like garbage on Sunday. And then I figured I would call the doctor back to tell them how I was feeling and make an appointment. I didn’t get the chance. They called and told me the cultures came back with the uti , the infection was still there. And this whole thing has been since last Wednesday. Here we are Monday and I feel awful and the pains are back but not as intense.

How I realize that it is now Tuesday. But I still feel the same. More pains,discomfort. The bloated feeling. I hate it! 
 And the antibiotics make me sick. I’m feeling all sorts of ways. I know this post does have much value in things except an update for why posting is all over the place. 


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