Why I love Disney’s Fantasia


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“What do you want for Christmas?” My husband asked me one day. I told him a new book and Fantasia. He then asked me after all the gifts were unwrapped why I wanted Fantasia of all things. Well it is really simple. Let me explain.

When I was a kid one of my fondest memories was popping in the VHS of Fantasia and watching it with my grandma around Christmas time. It is a memory that has stuck with me. It is what I feel keeps me close to my grandmother. I don’t need any of things that really belonged to her to feel close, Fantasia is all I need. Yes, there are things in that movie that are by today’s standards not that great. And some controversy in some parts. But it is the memories of the movie and the feeling I get when I watch it. To me Fantasia is my ultimate Christmas movie. Even though it has nothing to do with Christmas or the Yuletide season. 

It is something I want to have my sons love too. The appreciation for the music and composers. The appreciation for the artworks. Yeah the fairies are nudey patooty, and the centaurs or centaurettes as they were called are almost nude too. This was a different time and I am greatful some characters were cut, there was one in particular which I have found on Pinterest that I think we all can be grateful to the removal.if you are feelin froggy  and want to see what I mean click here.  There is also some scientific inaccuracies with the Rite of Spring piece that now I have trouble getting over. (My brain won’t let me, just like with Land Before Time! Stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus as well as triceratops being on the same era!no no no no!) still overall it is a great movie, and even though it was a flop in it’s initial release with the nudey things, the Rite of Spring being performed badly according to the composer, and the racist centaurette Sunflower, it was not even finished on it’s theatrical debut only finishing right before viewing, still like so many movies it became a cult classic years later. My love for the film is one that will continue for years to come.

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