Marchesa Notte and a thought as standing out as a style blogger.

Well we made it through Christmas. We did it! My kids had a great Christmas and so did I. I got Disney plus from hubby and a new pen for my iPad.I got to watch Fantasia, my fave movie. We had good food, stayed home and have seen he new Mulan, which I do not understand why people didn’t like it put sod elf the one actress view on Hong Kong. I think if you have never seen the old Kung Fu movies you won’t get the style of film. Go watch some one Prime and Netflix then go watch Mulan. You will have a better respect for the style of movie. I personally like those old movies. As weird as some of them are to me, it is the dubbing. The film was good, get over Mushu. Anywho this post isn’t not about Mulan. 

This post is actually about standing out as a blogger. So many of us follow that same formula, which works for so many and they have a nice living for it. Which is what I would like, ya know. Anywho, I like to stand out some. So what can I a simple mom do to compete and stand out some. And history keeps coming up, in my head. I love history and science. I love paleontology. Maybe I should write about that along with my personal life and stuff. Been thinking about everything a lot lately.

 2021 is coming up and I want to take my blog full force from a mediocre place to a full fledged business adventure. Pitching to brands as I find that my traffic can be really good and my instagram is improving. We shall see how it all goes, but I really need to focus on that  for me. All for me. And I know I can!


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