The empress card
I have been coloring my Rider Waitdeck coloring book. A lot. And if you don’t know , it is a tarot card deck. And wearing this tee I bought from Juniper Fox on instagram is an awesome tie in for this concept of tarot cards. It is a fabulous tee featuring a fabulous fox, juniper. I also had to add the crown because it requires it I think.Shooting these pictures I didn’t want any old place to shoot, and then. I found the flowers, my allergies were not thrilled but my creative mind was. The empress stands for authority and a strong female figure.I am not either of those things, by the way But there is more to the card than that. Th empress is passionate and motherly a “I am woman hear me roar!” Kind of woman. She is not mysterious or a secretive lady like the high priestess. For this card it symbolizes pleasure ,abundance , and fertility. Birth marriage and literal or creative type pregnancy.but there is also a reversed side to the card as with most tarot. The reversed view of the ca...