
Showing posts from June, 2024

Concussion syndrome months later and trying Keto.

 As some know, if you follow along on Threads, TikTok, and instagram, you may already know that I slipped and fell in the beginning of November. I slipped on a Christmas tinsel placemat that my son left on the floor. I still can’t remember what I was going to do, or what I was doing before the fall. I slipped on the placemat, I didn’t see it, and fell. I hit the back of my head on the floor. My right shoulder went through a Rubbermaid container and broke my fall some. Still by the end of the day, I was in serious pain. I couldn’t remember my name, couldn’t remember dates, it was horrible. The pain. And here I am now in April, suffering from Concussion Syndrome. The brain trauma still very much a present part of my life. I slur still at times, have difficulty talking, headaches, dizziness, nausea at moments, migraines, sensitivity to light and certain sounds. I already had an issue with sounds but now it is bad.  I have decided to, in my who knows what kind of wisdom trying the Keto die

What would you do?

 So, I have concussion syndrome. It sucks that I have to not only navigate this TBI(traumatic brain injury) but also Neuropathy. And recently I had a doctor’s appointment from hell. This was not in part the doctor’s fault but the staff. Yeah, the staff made my appointment go from ok to down right uncomfortable.  How did this happen? Well let me tell you. The appointment started this way, I went in to the appointment with anxiety and stress. I was also sick. I was masked. And whenever I meet new people, like the front desk lady, I always now warn people about my TBI and how it affects my speech. Because the judgement you get from people when you talk and sound like I do. She shared with me about her family and how someone in her family has similar issues. Things were going good until she mentioned one thing. GOD. UGH. Yes, she said “I believe in god and I know you do too!” I chuckled uncomfortably because it was super uncomfortable. And she said “if you don’t know god, you should. Becau